Refer a Patient
Thank you for referring your patient to Center for Pain Control in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania. Our board-certified interventional pain management physician, Dr. Jason Bundy, has extensive experience and expertise in:
- Nerve Blocks with X-ray Guidance
- Medication Injections
- Implantable Infusion Pumps
- Implantable Spinal Cord Stimulators
- Radiofrequency Neurotomy
- Psychological Intervention
We also offer occupational therapy, and physical therapy. We take pride in prompt communications, both verbal and written, with our referring physicians. Our talented pain management team is dedicated to providing a comprehensive approach for relieving and managing our patients' pain to improve their quality of life.
To refer a patient, please use the downloadable form below and fax it to our office at (610) 374-2909, or call (610) 374-2927.
Please note: It may take a few moments to load the forms if you are using a dial-up Internet Connection. If you are unable to view the forms, you may need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader for free by clicking on the icon below.